Inspiring stories of active agents investing in real estate and building passive income. We'll dive into how they are delivering a high level of service to clients while spotting opportunities, negotiating with homeowners, signing deals, and building additional streams of income. You'll come away from each episode with practical tips, tactics, and action steps, while being inspired to open your eyes to the potential deals are all around you!

Thursday May 04, 2023
Do You Ever Wonder If a Property is ”a Good Deal?”
Thursday May 04, 2023
Thursday May 04, 2023
In order to have a thriving business and leverage ourselves to make the most amount of money, we need systems in place. Systems can help us analyze whether a deal is good for us or not.
What are some of the things we should look at when approaching an investment deal? Can a deal analysis system help with deciding on an investment?
In this episode, I discuss all things systems and explain what our system for deal analysis looks like and how others can use it.
You want predictable results in your business and the only way to get there is by having systems. -Tom Cafarella
Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode
- Each deal is different
Why do we have to tailor our analysis to each specific deal?
- Different ways to analyze deals
Different properties are analyzed in different ways. What are some of the comparisons we can make?
- Data points
How can we use data points to figure out if an investment is good? Can data points help with making a decision?

Thursday Apr 27, 2023
Why This Agent is Pouring More Into Investing Than Selling Homes w/Aram Ghazaryan
Thursday Apr 27, 2023
Thursday Apr 27, 2023
If you’re a successful agent who sells up to 50 homes a year, why would you opt to grow the investing side of the business instead of retail? For Aram Ghazaryan, it’s a no brainer. Investing offers a better lifestyle and a much higher ceiling to his earning potential.
How is he using educational content to generate investing deals?
In this episode, the Chicago Realtor and investor shares his journey and how he is growing his investing operation.
My real estate business exploded once I started investing for myself. -Aram Ghazaryan
Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode
- The importance to putting our ego in the box
How do we make sure we’re giving the best presentation to charge a premium rate?
- Lifestyle matters more than the numbers
As investors what advantages do we have access to that we don’t get from working as agents?
- Generating investing leads via social media
How does Aram turn an Instagram DM into a buyer consultation and then a closing?
Guest Bio
Aram Ghazaryan is a Chicagoland Realtor and Investor. He offers a unique experience for his clients through the use of social media, branding, and video marketing. The foundation of Aram’s business is based on excellent service, delivering results, and great communication with all his clients. Follow at @aramgrealty for more information and to get in touch.

Thursday Apr 20, 2023
Education-Based Selling: The Key to Growing Your Business Without Prospecting
Thursday Apr 20, 2023
Thursday Apr 20, 2023
You don’t have to be a natural salesperson or prospector to generate leads and grow your business.
Whether you want capital, deals, or recruits, if you’re uncomfortable with traditional sales, there’s another way, and the great news is that it allows you to attract business instead of chasing it.
How do we use education to bring more people into our world? In this episode, I’ll share my lead gen and marketing strategy and how you can monetize educational content.
You can generate almost any kind of lead from an education-based selling system as long as you provide good content, pick the right audience and have calls-to-action along the way. -Tom Cafarella
Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode
-How to generate business your way
Can we generate quality leads without the traditional methods of prospecting?
- Finding the right lead gen method for you
How do you know if an education-based marketing system is for you?
- How to package and monetize educational content
How can we turn free content into a lead generation mechanism?

Thursday Apr 13, 2023
Investing Will Make You Wealthy, Why Aren’t More Agents Doing It? w/Karen Briscoe
Thursday Apr 13, 2023
Thursday Apr 13, 2023
Investing can seem difficult to start, but once we get over the obstacle of the first few deals, the battle is already won. It’s been proven many times over that investing can make us wealthy, so why aren’t more agents doing it?
How do we take the leap to getting started?
In this episode, author, podcast host and principal owner of the Huckaby Briscoe Conroy Group, Karen Briscoe joins me to talk about investing awareness, how you can become financially free by investing and how she got started.
Sales will make you a living but investing will make you wealthy. -Tom Cafarella
Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode
- Playing the long game
Are we missing out on long-term huge wins by expecting immediate results?
- Getting around other successful agent investors
How does surrounding ourselves with people who are successful in the space we want to be leapfrog our own success?
- Implementation of ideas and concepts
Where should we get started when it comes to implementation?
Guest Bio
Karen Briscoe is the author and host of “Real Estate Success in 5 Minutes a Day: Secrets of a Top Agent Revealed” and 5 Minute Success podcast. She is the principal owner of the Huckaby Briscoe Conroy Group (HBC) with Keller Williams, which is recognized as one of the top 250 real estate teams by the Wall Street Journal.
Karen is the creator of the 5 Minute Success concept. She regularly speaks on a national and local level on the best of 5 Minute Success. Further she is the host of the weekly 5 Minute Success podcast which has an amazing array of guests who achieve success at a high level in business and life.
Visit https://www.5minutesuccess.com/
Find Karen on LinkedIn @Karen Briscoe
Find Karen on Facebook @Karen A Briscoe

Thursday Apr 06, 2023
Do You Have a Business or a Job? How Systems Will Help You Scale
Thursday Apr 06, 2023
Thursday Apr 06, 2023
Having systems and processes in place is crucial when it comes to ensuring that a business runs smoothly and produces the best possible outcome. However, having a system that is not followed regularly can have adverse effects.
As a business scales, we need to have people controlling and managing these systems in order to grow even more. How can we ensure that our systems and processes are looked at closely? How can we get started?
In this episode, I talk about the role systems play in our businesses, why it’s important to look at every part of the process and some of the different systems when it comes to investing.
All great and real businesses have systems. -Tom Cafarella
Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode
- Who can manage your systems
Do people need to be highly skilled to run and manage systems?
- Changing systems if they don’t work
Not all systems work, how do we figure out what works for us and refine what doesn’t?
- How to start building and managing systems
When it comes to building systems, it's best to start small, how do we go about it?

Thursday Mar 30, 2023
The Biggest Obstacle of Being An Agent Investor (& How to Overcome It)
Thursday Mar 30, 2023
Thursday Mar 30, 2023
Investing is not difficult and even though a lot of agents are interested in it, not many of them actually put action behind that intent. Capital is the main reason agents think they can’t invest, but that’s far from the truth.
How can we overcome the biggest obstacle of investing without having a huge amount of capital? What steps should we take to get started?
In this episode, founder of Candor Realty Group Jonathan Bombaci joins me to talk about investing as an agent and how he got started as an agent investor.
Most agents know that they should be investing in real estate. -Tom Cafarella
Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode
-What it takes to be an agent investor
What exactly makes a successful investor? What is the mindset that you need to have?
-How to get started on your journey
It’s not difficult to get started in investing, but there are many ways to get started. How do we pick what’s right for us?
-How your sphere can impact your investing
People bring in value when we partner with them. How can we also bring value to them and make it a win-win situation so that they will want to continue to work with us?
Guest Bio
Jonathan Bombaci is the founder of Candor Realty Group that specializes in looking at real estate transactions from an investors point of view. As investors they have firsthand experience with investment properties which they leverage to differentiate themselves in the marketplace.
Jonathan used the knowledge and experience he gained in financial analysis to invest in real estate. Jonathan and his wife acquired 24 rental units in Northern NH and set up a passive income system that more than pays their bills. He used his newly found financial independence to dive headfirst into real estate with the mission to help others reach financial independence through real estate.
Find Jonathan on LinkedIn here @Jonathan Bombaci

Thursday Mar 23, 2023
Thursday Mar 23, 2023
One of the biggest barriers to becoming an agent investor is the belief that you simply don’t have time to juggle the two. Many agents already feel like they are spread too thin selling homes and dealing with clients before taking on another business.
The truth is - adding investing to an already busy schedule is possible, and because it can make us less reliant on the retail side, it can actually streamline our lives.
In today’s episode, I’m joined by Stefanie & Patrick Willie-Bonglo, a couple who are excellent at juggling a lot, and they share their story and their secret to balance.
By just changing your mindset, you can go from making your 6% on a listing to making $150,000. -Stefanie Willie-Bonglo
Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode
-How to ramp up quickly in real estate
Why was coaching so pivotal to Stefanie and Patrick’s early success in real estate?
-The importance of prioritization
As busy entrepreneurs, it’s easy to neglect rest. How do we remind ourselves to take time off?
-What successful people have in common
Why do we have to get better at making quick decisions?
Guest Bio
Stefani and Patrick are agents, investors, husband and wife team and owners of Team WB Real Estate. For more information, find them on Facebook.

Thursday Mar 16, 2023
How To Get 1-on-1 Help Through The Inner Circle
Thursday Mar 16, 2023
Thursday Mar 16, 2023
Most of us are well aware that investing is the key to financial freedom, but it’s hard to take action when we don’t have the education that we need. If we want real estate to change our lives, getting educated isn’t enough, we have to be able to take action, get access to deals, funding and the support of people in the game. The more individualized this support is, the better.
This is what we created our Inner Circle for. In this episode, I share what you get access to when you sign up, and how we’ll help you achieve your real estate dreams.
Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode
- Why it took me 6 years to do my first investing deal
What can we do to get off the fence of real estate investing?
-How to focus on priorities
There’s always a shiny object trying to take our attention, how do we stick with what will give us ROI?
- All the things you get access to in the Inner Circle
What are the resources and tools agents really need to make the step to invest?

Thursday Mar 09, 2023
Agent Investor Systems: What Can You Expect From Our Upcoming Event?
Thursday Mar 09, 2023
Thursday Mar 09, 2023
Real estate agents have a unique advantage when it comes to investing in real estate, but we need education to get us started and set up for success.
Being in the same room as other agent investors and getting exposed to key systems and strategies is one of the biggest shortcuts to success in investing. We can learn a lot of impactful lessons from in-person events, and with this in mind, we have our 2 Day "Agent Investor Systems" coming up.
In this episode, I’ll share what you can expect from the event, and why we’re so passionate about putting them together.
As an agent, you have all the components necessary to do great investing deals. -Tom Cafarella
Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode
-The benefit of doing retail and investing simultaneously
Why do we encourage people to stay in real estate sales even when their investing business is thriving?
- How to use systems to get predictable results
What tools do you need to get renovations done on time, and on budget with little to no hassle?
- What you can learn from the experiences of other agent investors
How do we make sure every asset you own is a great one?

Thursday Mar 02, 2023
Thursday Mar 02, 2023
To succeed as an investor, you have to get good at 3 things, finding deals, finding capital and managing the properties. For most people, the capital piece is the most challenging, especially if you’re just starting out.
Partnering with the right lenders takes a lot of the complexities and guesswork out of the capital part, and the more educated we become about them, the better.
How do you tap into different pockets of capital? What are private lenders looking for to invest in a deal?
In this episode, I’m joined by the Managing Director of Renovo Financial in Boston, Paul Shaughnessy. We talk about how lenders approach deals and how to make it easier to get capital for your own investments.
Anytime there’s significant amounts of uncertainty, you’ll have capital leaving the market. When there’s a scarcity of capital, that leads to more expensive money. -Paul Shaughnessy
Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode
- What lenders are looking for in an investor
Why do lenders prefer an investor who has a solid team behind them? - Why lenders vet rental deals closely
Can the right lender keep you from getting into a bad deal in the first place? - Why you need multiple sources of capital
Can we expect capital to become more constricted with what’s happening with interest rates?
Guest Bio
Paul Shaughnessy is the Managing Director of Renovo Financial in Boston. Since 2016, Paul has been wheeling and dealing in Boston real estate. Renovo Financial is more than a lender, with local market knowledge and a streamlined process, they work with clients through the life of their real estate investment loan to ensure that their project gets completed quickly and efficiently. For more information, email paul@renovo.com or call 339-224-2586.