Inspiring stories of active agents investing in real estate and building passive income. We'll dive into how they are delivering a high level of service to clients while spotting opportunities, negotiating with homeowners, signing deals, and building additional streams of income. You'll come away from each episode with practical tips, tactics, and action steps, while being inspired to open your eyes to the potential deals are all around you!

Thursday Jul 13, 2023
Top 10 Takeaways From The Agent Investor Systems Event
Thursday Jul 13, 2023
Thursday Jul 13, 2023
Real estate will make you a living. If you’re really committed and motivated, investing can make you worth millions. To invest successfully, systems are key and so is the right mindset.
Being interested but not committed isn’t good enough. A lukewarm level of motivation won’t take you far.
How can you set yourself up for success as an investor? In this episode, I share key takeaways from our recent systems event.
In order to be a successful investor, you need to be at an 8-10 level of motivation. It needs to be that important to you. -Tom Cafarella
Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode
- Building your deal finding skill set
How do we create a system that produces seller appointments every single week?
- Big projects are easier
Why are we focusing on 50-100 unit projects?
- How to be more investable
What does it take to raise capital for investing deals?

Thursday Jul 06, 2023
Real Life Tenant Horror Stories and How to Prepare for Them w/Bob Devito
Thursday Jul 06, 2023
Thursday Jul 06, 2023
When it comes to investing passively in small multi-family units, people are sold a fairytale version of the strategy. They expect to buy the property and kick back while the rents roll in.
The truth couldn’t be further from this. With this asset class, there will always be difficulties and headaches. Difficult tenants, long-evictions and non-payment come with the territory.
What steps can we take to reduce the headaches? How do we prepare ourselves in advance?
In this episode, I’m joined by our property manager Bob DeVito. He shares how to prepare for the struggles of managing small multi-family units.
Money can’t be everything to you because it’s a tough business. You are going to spend money and you are going to lose money some months. -Bob DeVito
Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode
- The cost of managing multi-family units
With many investment properties, you might go 6-8 months with no rent coming in. How do you build a buffer?
- Don’t underestimate your tenants
What are some of the tricks and loopholes problematic tenants use to stay in the property longer?
- The truth about “passive investing”
Nothing is ever completely passive, but how can you reduce your involvement in the day to day?
Guest Bio
Bob is a real estate agent and property manager at The Cameron Group.

Thursday Jun 29, 2023
How To Develop a Winning Mindset That Guarantees Success
Thursday Jun 29, 2023
Thursday Jun 29, 2023
A strong mindset is a crucial part of success, but it doesn’t come easy. To shift our mindsets, we have to wade through a lot of negativity (our own or from people around us).
A bad mindset can hamper even the most skilled person, and a good mindset can propel an unskilled person further.
How do we shift into a success-driven mindset? What holds us back from what we want to achieve?
In this episode, I talk about what nurtures a winning mindset and what kills it.
Each and everyday in real estate, we’re going to have something negative happen to us. -Tom Cafarella
Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode
- The secret to a success-driven mindset
Mindset isn’t always easy even for people who have had success already. How do you build up that muscle?
- The mindset shift all agent-investors have to make
When it comes to real estate, your biggest results will not come at the beginning. How do you develop the patience for results?
- What kills our mindsets
It’s easy to let one bad thing ruin an entire day, how do we avoid this?

Thursday Jun 22, 2023
Thursday Jun 22, 2023
Investing in real estate is easy as long as we’re educated on what we’re doing. If we’re not informed, things can go south fast. It’s important to get educated on what we don’t know.
Why should we commit to educating ourselves and getting informed when it comes to real estate investing? How can this help us to move forward? How much time should we put into educating ourselves?
In this episode, co-founders of Eclipse Homes Leonardo Casillas and Brianna Maggio, join me to talk about taking initiative to educate ourselves in investing, different ways and methods to get informed and the power of compounding time and education.
If you’re a beginner investor or an investor who hasn’t done a deal yet, this episode is for you!
Our goal is to be a little better than the day before. -Brianna Maggio
Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode
- The freedom of investing
How does investing give people a life most would only dream about?
- Mindset and perspective
We might know what we want but how do we go out and achieve it?
- The doors that real estate investing opens
How does investing allow us to find estate deals others simply would not find anywhere else?
Guest Bio
Leonardo Casillas
Leonardo Casillas Born in San Juan, Puerto Rico. When he was twelve years old, Leonardo and his family moved to Lynn, Massachusetts and instantly connected with the vibrant community. He attended Lynn Public Schools and graduated from Lynn Classical High School at the top of his class. It was here that Leonardo developed a passion for community, and a desire to be a part of positive changes and progression from within.
The Great Recession highlighted the needs of Leonardo’s community, and witnessing the negative impacts within his own neighborhood was an eye-opening experience. In order to understand how families can better equip themselves to prepare for and overcome economic hardship, Leonardo pursued a degree in Finance at Stonehill College in Easton, MA.
Upon graduating, Leonardo moved to Somerville and worked in a Corporate, Financial Planning and Analysis role in the private sector for two years. He decided that his skills would be better utilized within his own community, and transitioned to working as a full-time real estate agent. This first-hand experience of watching homeowners struggle with the process of selling homes led to the realization that a simpler solution was needed. He established Eclipse to be just that – a simplified solution.
Brianna Maggio
Brianna knew from a young age that her life’s calling was in the field of design. She spent much of her childhood creating floor plans of hotels, houses, and make-believe buildings. As such, her decision to further her education and study Architectural Design at the University of Massachusetts Amherst came naturally.
Brianna set about on her college journey at UMass Amherst determined to turn her once make-believe buildings into reality. During her time at university, Brianna also discovered a hidden passion for art and art history. She found that this newly found creative interest and knowledge greatly complimented the more technical aspects of her work in architectural design.
Post-graduation, Brianna embarked on a backpacking trip through Southeast Asia, Australia, and Europe, where she was able to further pursue her passion for art and design. Wandering through the incredible temples, ruins, and museums she had learned about only in textbooks was paramount in her growth as an artist and designer.
She established Eclipse with the desire to use her love of culture, art, and architecture to bring out the beauty hidden in the homes and buildings of her beloved city and the surrounding communities. Brianna is determined to build upon the existing charm of these communities. She is confident that with a focus on quality restoration, these cities can better reflect the incredible and vibrant people living within them.
Visit https://eclipsebuyshomes.com/
Find Leonardo on LinkedIn @Leonardo Casillas
Find Brianna on Instagram @briannamaggio

Thursday Jun 15, 2023
The Quickest Path To Becoming a Millionaire: A Step-By-Step Blueprint
Thursday Jun 15, 2023
Thursday Jun 15, 2023
Real estate is a sure path to becoming a millionaire. If you buy 1 property a year, in 10 - 15 years, you’ll have a million dollar net worth.
What if you wanted to compress that time and change your financial life in a lot less time? There’s no such thing as a get rich quick scheme in real estate, but there is a formula that can make you wealthy in 3 years.
What’s the first step you need to take to implement this plan? How do you leverage sweat equity when you don’t have a lot of money to start?
In this episode, I share the formula I used to fast track my results in real estate investing.
If you want speed, effort has to be put in. -Tom Cafarella
Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode
- Why you shouldn’t give up your day job
Should we give up selling homes as we ramp up our investing efforts?
- How to easily get started
If we want to fast track the results of real estate investing, why is multi-family the best asset class?
- The advantage real estate agents have
Can we grow an investing operation without working a lot harder as an agent?

Thursday Jun 08, 2023
Prepare And Prospect: How To Build A Seller Based Business w/Dale Archdekin
Thursday Jun 08, 2023
Thursday Jun 08, 2023
One of the most important pillars in investing is finding good deals. To find good deals, we have to spend time or money. Since most new investors don’t have the budget for finding good deals, we have to spend time.
How can we find good deals through prospecting? Do we need to set goals when it comes to finding deals? How do we get started with prospecting?
In this episode, founder of Smart Inside Sales and renowned figure in the industry, Dale Archdekin, joins me to talk about how he built his business on prospecting, and how to mentally prepare for prospecting.
One of the best ways to spend time is prospecting. -Tom Cafarella
Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode
- Listen to your mentors
It’s one thing to have a mentor but a whole different thing to actually listen to them and take their advice. How do we take that step?
- Give yourself permission to fail
We’re not going to excel all the time so we should not always expect to win. Why should we give ourselves the grace to fail?
- What stops us from achieving what we want
What stops us from achieving the things we want even though we have the power to do so?
Guest Bio
With 16 years of experience in real estate and expertise in lead conversion, Dale is a renowned figure in the industry. Born in the Midwest and currently residing in the suburbs of Philadelphia, Dale has partnered to build the second-ranked team in his area and led the Top 5 KW Megan team to several years of success.
Starting as a listing agent in his hometown of Philly, Dale was a dedicated prospector who consistently called expired listings, FSBOs, and conducted cold prospecting every day. Later in his career, he had a breakthrough idea to create an ISA department and, through trial and error, he developed a successful process to scale his company from five agents and 100 transactions per year to 30 agents and 650 transactions per year. With his repeatable process, he was able to take individuals with no prior real estate experience, put them through his training, and produce 60 transactions for the team within their first 12 months.
Dale is passionate about helping others become experts in objection handling and generating more business. To this end, he founded Smart Coaching & Training and created its flagship course, Conversion University.
Visit https://smartsalescoaching.com/
Find Dale on Instagram @dalearchdekin
Find Dale on LinkedIn @Dale Archdekin

Thursday Jun 01, 2023
Thursday Jun 01, 2023
If you’re listening to a lot of people on Twitter, in the news, and even your favorite gurus, you’d think the economy is crashing by a certain date. The truth isn’t quite as dramatic or clear-cut.
As agent investors, operating with a sound mind is important, and that means separating ourselves from the gloom and doom so many people are pushing.
How do we get better at reading the market? Will bank collapses affect real estate? In this episode, I talk about what the economy means for our retail deals and investments.
Anyone who tells you they know 100% where the market’s going is lying and most probably lying to serve their interests. -Tom Cafarella
Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode
- One variable prediction doesn’t work
Can the trajectory of the economy be foretold by looking at inflation and employment in isolation?
- There’s no such thing as a hard bad
Can investors benefit from inflation?
- How the economy will impact asset classes and investment models
From flips to buy and holds, how will the market impact your investing plans?

Thursday May 25, 2023
Thursday May 25, 2023
To find killer investment deals, we have to spend time, effort, and money. As agent investors, it's important to figure out where to put our effort and what sort of strategies work for us.
What can we do differently to find killer deals? We can’t force other agents and investors to do things but how can we guide them?
In this episode, real estate agent and investor Ricky Carruth joins me to discuss real estate coaching, why he advocates for every strategy, and his against-the-grain way of doing things and how it worked for him.
It took everything I learned to be number one. -Ricky Carruth
Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode
- Having a unique way of selling
Why should we have a unique way of selling?
- Practice patience
If someone is going to close a deal, we can’t make them do it any sooner than they are going to. Why is it so important to practice patience with our prospects?
- Consistency in results
What do we need to do to see consistent results?
Guest Bio
Ricky Carruth lives on the Gulf Coast of Alabama, where he started selling real estate in 2002. By 2014, he was named the #1 RE/MAX agent in his State, selling over 100 properties yearly since recovering from real estate disasters in his coastal region (two major hurricanes, the related insurance crisis, and the BP oil spill). Having grown up with parents who taught him the value of hard physical labor and strong ethics, he never takes his success for granted and lives each day doing his personal best with the ultimate goal of helping others. He also started speaking, writing, and coaching in 2017 through his Zero to Diamond free real estate coaching company with a mission to reduce the failure rate in the real estate industry by bringing awareness that it's not about the deal, it's about the relationship. Ricky is the No-Pressure Agent.
Visit https://zerotodiamond.com/
Find Ricky on LinkedIn @Ricky Carruth
Subscribe to Ricky on YouTube @RickyCarruth

Thursday May 18, 2023
How to Build a Massive Cash Buyer’s List to Sell Investor Deals
Thursday May 18, 2023
Thursday May 18, 2023
Agent-investors constantly come across off-market deals, but lack someone to sell them to. Having a cash buyer on the ready is one of the most valuable things you can possess. What if you had thousands of buyers you can call whenever you find an opportunity?
How do you go about finding cash buyers in your market? In this episode, you’ll learn how we built up a list of thousands of buyers without cold calling.
Having a big, concentrated cash buyer list allows you to make the biggest spread possible. -Tom Cafarella
Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode
- The best way to find investors
The last thing investors want are people reaching out to them without a solid deal. How do we gauge when the time is right?
- How to capitalize on properties you won’t be listing or investing in
Just because a property doesn’t fit your buy box doesn’t mean you can’t earn money on it. How do you flip it into an opportunity?
- Where to find deals that appeal to investors
How can we take advantage of unexpected platforms to find opportunities?

Thursday May 11, 2023
Success In Short Term Rentals: Here’s What You Need To Know w/Avery Carl
Thursday May 11, 2023
Thursday May 11, 2023
Short-term rentals can catapult us when we’re starting our real estate investing careers. They are cash-flow turbochargers and are much easier to finance than other options. However, they are not completely passive and still need management.
What are some of the other benefits of short-term rentals? Can they bring in more cash than the traditional long-term rentals?
In this episode, the CEO of The Short Term Shop, Avery Carl joins me to discuss her experience with short-term rentals, how they kick-started her career, and how she used investing to build her team.
The first step to investing is getting educated. -Tom Cafarella
Three Things You’ll Learn In This Episode
- Focusing on one thing
Can we find more success in specializing than generalizing?
- Spread the word about your business
How can we spread the word about our business so that we’re the first and only option?
- Building a team
When building a team, we can be reluctant to let go of tasks that we usually take on. How can we properly delegate and track tasks when building a team?
Guest Bio
Avery Carl is the author of Amazon's best-seller, "Short Term Rental, Long Term Wealth: Your Guide to Analyzing, Buying, and Managing Vacation Properties," and the host of "The Short Term Show" Podcast!
Avery is also the CEO of The Short Term Shop, the country's TOP short-term rental, and Airbnb real estate agency. The Short Term Shop has connected investors with over 5,000 cash-flowing short-term rental properties since 2018. Avery went from a 37k salary to a real estate portfolio of over 220 doors in 5 years through strategically investing in short-term and vacation rentals. This strategy allowed her to grow her portfolio much more quickly than starting with traditional long-term rentals. It's her goal to help as many investors reach financial independence through short-term rental investing as possible.
Visit https://theshorttermshop.com/
Find Avery on Instagram @theshorttermshop
Find Avery on LinkedIn @averycarl